Whipped Coffee Concentrate

Whipped Coffee Concentrate

Coffee lovers, this one is for you! If you enjoy a good cup of Joe, iced lattes, coffee ice cream and any other variation on the theme, you are going to love this concentrate! I saw something about it the first time on Instagram. Truth be told, I have seen my fair share of interesting […]

DIY Rose water

Homemade Rose Water

I can still remember today the scent of rose water my grandmother used to spray on her face every night before going to bed! It was such a delicate floral sweetness! After my grand father passed away (peacefully while watching tv), my parents thought that she wouldn’t be as lonely if I spent several nights […]

Vegan sushi bowl

Sushi Bowl with Wasabi Mayo

What do you when you have a sudden craving for sushi, don’t want to go out, or have  time to break out sushi mats and mold makers, and don’t have large seaweed sheets? You improvise, that’s what you do. How about deconstructing sushi and make an amazing bowl instead? We had some leftover rice, a […]

Crispy Rice Nut Balls

Crispy Sweet Rice Balls

The first time I bit into a rice cake was a little underwhelming! I was trying to limit my wheat intake and switch to rice instead. Rice cakes have since evolved and are now available in various savory and sweet flavors and sometimes a little of both! For the longest time, I used them as […]

Taco salad

Salad Cones

Wheat tortillas are so fun and versatile. I can think of so many ways to use them in sweet and savory dishes. One of the ways, is to use them as containers. You can make them into a bowl like for a tostada salad. You can also make little cones that can be stuffed with […]

Jamaican Peanut Soup

Jamaican Peanut Soup with Potato Dumplings

I love soups! They are comforting, filling, and so forgiving. If you think about it, soups and stews were what our ancestors lived on and as a results, there are so many wonderful variations around the world. Growing up in France, I rarely saw peanuts with the exception of salted peanuts my parents served as […]

Pickled Cucumber Salad

Chinese Pickled Cucumber Salad

Pickled cucumber salad is one of our favorite side cold dish. Not only is it refreshing, and cooling and it goes with just about everything. It is crunchy, hydrating, and bursting with flavors. It comes together in less than 15 minutes, but the flavors intensify if you let it marinate for a few hours.  This […]

Hasselback Potatoes

Hasselback Potatoes with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Hasselback potatoes is a fun way to transform a boring looking potato into an elegant dish that looks like it is coming out of a professional kitchen! The trick with this dish is to cut thin slices leaving the bottom connected, creating a beautiful fan effect. They are crispy on the outside and soft on […]

Flax seeds loaves

Flax Seed Bread Loaves

If you know me, you know that I love bread! Whether it is a warm crispy French baguette, a nice Ciabatta roll, homemade focaccia, toasted dill rye, or some hearty pumpernickel… what I don’t love about bread though, is how addictive it is. I can eat an entire baguette in one sitting! It must come […]

Vegan tangerine Ice cream

3-Ingredient Tangerine Vegan Ice cream

Even though we are still in Spring, you can almost feel the summer in the air. So what better time to make something refreshing that everyone will love. Let’s make tangerine ice cream but without dairy! Now there are many amazing vegan ice cream brands you can choose from these days but quite a few […]

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