Nutty chocolate bark

Nutty Chocolate Bark

I love healthy treats that don’t contain flour or refined sugar. In the summer, it is really nice to pack some fruit, salty treats and a health bar at outdoor music events, long bike rides, and outings. Nut bars are packed with nutrients, so you only need a little to make you feel satisfied. One […]

Date & Crystallized Ginger Cake

Date & Crystallized Ginger Cake (Eggless)

Of all the dry fruit, dates are one of my favorites. They make the perfect snack on the go, while traveling. or to end a meal on a light sweet note. Just one Medjool date does that! At least for me! Health benefits of dates Dates are a great substitute for white sugar because they […]

Quinoa Tabouleh

Quinoa Tabouleh with Lemon Vinaigrette

Summer has officially arrived. This means that it is time for amazing salads! Our body craves fresh food because with high temperatures, we need more hydration and this isn’t only achieved through drinking but also through through the food we eat. We planted Italian and curly parsley in different parts of our garden and they […]

miso teriyaki King oyster mushrooms

Miso Teriyaki Oyster Mushroom Shreds

King oyster mushrooms are pretty amazing! They can be made into so many different dishes! Braised slices, vegan pulled pork, as filling for tacos, in sandwiches, with pasta, soups, in omelets and more. They have different texture depending on how you prepare them. Difference between king oyster and oyster mushrooms King oyster mushrooms (also called […]



I love pineapple! Just the thought of it takes me right back to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Hawaii… Fun times! This sun filled fruit is not only great in piña coladas, but in rice dishes, soups, upside down cakes, fresh slices for breakfast… Whenever I remove the skin, I always feel a little guilty to throw […]


5 Fun DIY Garden Projects

There is so much activity in our garden this time of year. Birds are mating, nesting, some of our fruit trees are flowering, other are starting to bud, our vegetable garden is already producing abundant greens (lettuce, spinach, arugula, radishes, carrots…) 1. About the birds and the bees… So we counted 6 nests just under […]

Gluten-free chickpea crackers

Quick Gluten-Free High Protein Crackers

It is time to make some crackers! Why making them when you can buy so many different kinds? They are healthier, and you skip all the packaging. You also control the amount you make and the spices you use. With Summer fast approaching, these crackers will come handy for yummy dips like Baba Ganoush, and […]

curry rice pancakes

Crispy Curry Rice Pancakes (gluten-free)

If you have ever ordered scallion pancakes in Chinese restaurants, chances are, you will love this gluten-free alternative that delivers on taste and texture. You probably figured out by now that I love all things that resemble crepes, pancakes, tortillas, wraps. It must be my French upbringing. There is so much you can do with […]

Lion's Mane Pepper Steaks

Lion’s Mane Pepper Steaks

The world of mushrooms will not cease to amaze me! I grew up only knowing a few types: baby bella, the most commonly found in grocery stores, but kind of on the bland side. At the farmer’s market, I discovered many more like bolete, chanterelle, porcini, morels, truffles. But they were more like expensive delicacies […]


Dandelion Golden Syrup

Tis the time of year when dandelion flowers are everywhere! I was doing a little weeding and couldn’t believe how many bright yellow flowers were on our lawn. That’s Spring for you! Three things can happen with them: they either end up being mowed down, they can grow into beautiful delicate seed head that the […]

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