
VEGAN WARRIOR: Plant-Based Nutrition For Athletes



$97.00 $37.00


Learn about the latest research into plant-based nutrition and its direct impact on energy levels, athletic performance, muscle building, and more in this video course.

Vegan Warrior course will teach you about the latest research into plant-based nutrition and its direct impact on energy levels, athletic performance, muscle building, and more. When famous athletes like Grand-slam champion Venus Williams, four-times Formula 1 World Champion, Lewis Hamilton, quarterback Colin Kaepernick, ultra-runner, Scott Jurek and many more have decided to adopt a plant-based diet and as a result, improved their performance, you know that they are on to something that we can all benefit from. And one thing is for sure, they don’t seem to be worried about not getting enough protein!

Old myths about needing to consume meat and animal protein in order to build muscle and endurance are a thing of the past. Scientific research shows that the consumption of animal protein immediately thickens the blood, slows down its ability to circulate, which in turn increases inflammation and slows down the body’s ability to recover from injury and strenuous training. All of the above matters greatly to athletes.

This course will not only debunk many myths around plant-based diets but also:

  • Show you why more and more world athletes are switching to a vegan diet and what they eat.
  • Learn the importance of basic nutrition and the steps to incorporate all the necessary minerals, vitamins, and protein no matter what diet you are on.
  • Discover which fruit, vegetables, seeds, and grains contain the most amount of important minerals, vitamins, and proteins.
  • Learn what vitamin is missing from a vegan diet and how to easily replace it.
  • Learn how to gently transition and stay on this new diet through practical tips and a workout plan.

Are you ready?