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Make Being Vegan Your New Year’s Resolution!

Go Vegan As New Year Resolution

So we have all made our share our New Year’s resolutions that we thought at the time we could keep but turned out to fizzle over time. Exercise more, stop smoking, volunteer, eat better, watch less tv read more etc. While all are all worthy of our efforts, they mostly benefit us and a handful of people around us.

What if we could make one change in our life that would not only directly benefit our health (physical, mental and spiritual), but stop the brutal killing of billions of animals in factory farms, help feed millions of starving children around the world, allow us to reconnect with our heart and soul. I can’t think of any other action that could impact millions, even billions of living beings.
Can you?

We can all stop the killing fields, the concentration camps, the government subsidized torture chambers, prevent the next pandemic by simply live and let live.
All prophets regardless of their faith, have told us to NOT KILL, to love ALL beings as ourselves and to live a compassionate life.

And in return, you get to join the illustrious ranks of the famous, the beautiful and powerful celebrities that have done just that, switched to a plant-based diet. Drum roll please:

President Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Steve Wynn, 

In the world of entertainment:
Beyonce, Ellen Degeneres, Ariana Grande, Kristen Bell, Jessica Chastain, Anne Hathaway, Emily Deschanel, Miley Cyrus, Alanis Morissette, Michele Pfeiffer, Madonna, Nathalie Portman, Olivia Wild, Alicia Silverstone and many more.
Liam Hemsworth, Benedict Cumberbatch, Zac Efron, James Cameron, Russel Simons, Tobey Maquire, a.k.a. Spiderman, Jason Mraz, Alec Baldwin and many many more.

In the world of sport: Formula 1 world champion, Lewis Hamilton, all-star John Salley, Colin Kaepernick, Mike Tyson, Venus, and Serena Williams, and many more.

Who wouldn’t want to join this amazing circle of successful, incredible manifesters, world changers? They are obviously on to something that works for them. So for this New Year why not follow the path of the Saints by loving and respecting all life and beings on the planet? It is your call but if not now, then when?

Go Vegan for New Year

Just do it!
Set an example for others to follow.
Save lives so that your life will be saved.
Live simply so that others wil simply live.
Because, as we sow, so shall we reap.


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