Currently Browsing: HEALTH & NUTRITION 12 articles

Sunflower sprouts healthy snack

ODE TO THE SUNFLOWER SEED – The Mightiest Sprout of All!

I felt so blessed to be able to go to Haiti last year a week after the earthquake to help at a Seven day Adventist hospital. It was so moving to see doctors, nurses from all over the world that had temporary left what they were doing to lend a hand to the Haitian people in […]

Health Risks of Animal Protein

The Untold Risks of Eating Animal Protein!

Here is the interesting thing, while there is a perception out there that vegetarians and especially vegans can’t be healthy because they are cutting out almost everything out of their diet, we don’t realize, that the prevalent animal based food sold in grocery stores, whether it is in cans, frozen packages or served in fast […]

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