Currently Browsing: Soup 3 articles

Cold gazpacho soup

Easy Summer Gazpacho

One of the great things about growing your own fruit and vegetables is that you get to shop in your garden every day.  This time of year we have different kinds of tomatoes and cucumbers ripening at the same time. So what can you do when you have lots of tomatoes in your garden? What […]

Vegan beet soup

Vegan Borscht Beet Soup

I woke up early this morning to discover the garden covered by a blanket of snow. Every little branch had a layer, every item had been perfectly dusted. It was a scene straight out of a Japanese garden in the winter. Breathtaking! For some reason, all I could think about this evening was making a […]

Vegan Tortilla Soup

Vegan Tortilla Soup

Hello everyone! I just got back from a week in Cancun, Mexico to celebrate two of my dearest girlfriend’s birthday. I know, it is a tough life, but someone has to do it! As vegans, we were a little worried about what we would be eating in an all-inclusive hotel, since we no longer eat cheese, […]

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