Currently Browsing: April 2024 3 articles

Lion's Mane Pepper Steaks

Lion’s Mane Pepper Steaks

The world of mushrooms will not cease to amaze me! I grew up only knowing a few types: baby bella, the most commonly found in grocery stores, but kind of on the bland side. At the farmer’s market, I discovered many more like bolete, chanterelle, porcini, morels, truffles. But they were more like expensive delicacies […]


Dandelion Golden Syrup

Tis the time of year when dandelion flowers are everywhere! I was doing a little weeding and couldn’t believe how many bright yellow flowers were on our lawn. That’s Spring for you! Three things can happen with them: they either end up being mowed down, they can grow into beautiful delicate seed head that the […]

Vegan scrambled eggs

In Search of the Perfect Vegan Scramble (no tofu)

Scrambled eggs are probably one of the first dishes you learn maybe while in college when on a budget (eggs are cheap). This dish is the definition of comfort food and simplicity! 1 small frying pan, one egg and a drizzle of oil. Sure, you still have to break the egg making sure that no […]

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