Currently Browsing: June 2022 2 articles

Whipped Garlic Paste -Toum

Toum – Lebanese Whipped Garlic Paste

If I was stranded on an island and could only have one type of sauce, I would probably opt for a life supply of freshly made Toum! Seriously, if you like garlic, you are going to love this recipe. The first time I tasted it was at a Lebanese restaurant in France. The waiter brought […]

Collard wraps

Deluxe Collard Wraps

Collard greens are a staple in Southern cooking. They are from the cabbage family, and can be substituted to Kale or Swiss Chard. For the longest time, I only knew collard greens as a leafy greens that is often slightly overcooked. Fast forward a few years and imagine my surprise when I discovered at a […]

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