Currently Browsing: January 2012 4 articles
Whole Foods No Longer Supports GMO Labelling
Sorry for the bad news folks, but the largest retailer of ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ foods in the US just gave up fighting against GE crops (a.k.a Genetically Modified organisms or GMO). Now, why would a giant like Whole Foods, the champion of all things natural and healthy would do such a thing? Well, they […]
Vegan Borscht Beet Soup
I woke up early this morning to discover the garden covered by a blanket of snow. Every little branch had a layer, every item had been perfectly dusted. It was a scene straight out of a Japanese garden in the winter. Breathtaking! For some reason, all I could think about this evening was making a […]
Quick Vegetable Fried Rice
Vegetable fried rice is a great dish to make when you have some leftover rice and vegetables in the fridge. It can be made in less than 15mn! This great Chinese classic was probably created to make sure that nothing in the kitchen was wasted. Folks in the South of China turned their leftovers into […]